Collection: The Real Boy - Fateless

|| The Real Boy - (Level 2 Adventure, 1 of 6 Fateless Adventures)

"Prosperia, Chivalria’s wondrous metropolis, is buzzing with excitement over the construction of its first airships. However, a dark secret lies at the heart of this invention. As the city is shaken by the sudden appearance of a colossal construct rampaging through the streets, the characters must find their courage, selflessness and honesty to save the city and uncover the mystery of The Real Boy…"

The Real Boy is a low level introductory adventure into the Fateless setting. Draw to the city of Prosperia in hope to acquire passage on one of the city's new airships, the characters are caught in an attack of a gargantuan Wooden Titan. This draws them into the mystery and villainy behind the new wooden marvels of Prosperia and the characters must prove their heroism to save one of the most ancient beings of Evermere.


The Minis:

The Real Boy - 100mm Base

Vielle de Vi - 50mm Base

Crazed Grandfather Clock - 25mm / 50mm Base - 2 Versions

Crazed Dead Man's Chest - 25mm Base

Enchanted Broom - 25mm Base - 1 Versions

Enchanted Grandfather Clock - 25mm Base

Knight Captain Apollo - 25mm Base

The Last Blink Dog - 25mm Base

Tina, Mad Tinkerer - 25mm Base

Crazed Enchanted Broom - 25mm Base - 4 Versions

Chivalrian Knight - 25mm Base - 5 Versions

Chivalrian Knight, Crossbow - 25mm Base - 5 Versions


Dead Man's Chest

Enchanted Bridge

Monstrous Enchanted Bridge


Tinka - Bust 

Viella De Vi - Bust