Collection: Void Stalkers: Eldritch Swarm

Waiting in the withering darkness of the Void Between, alien minds cluster against the skeins of reality, hungering for the life-force of material beings and scrabbling at cracks in the veil.

The eldest and greatest among them, whose memories reach back into the furthest depths of time, are known to mortals as the Void Stalkers – otherworldly hunters that prey upon planar travellers and feast upon civilizations that delve too deeply into eldritch lore.

Each void stalker is a terrifying, alien predator honed by eons hunting from world to world. Their warriors flicker and shift like shadows, phasing between material reality and the Void with every step. Presiding over their interplanar hunts are towering, monstrous beings whose very thoughts warp the laws of nature, their alien minds bending space, fouling the flow of time, and breaking the wills of lesser beings. At their command, untold legions of unthinking monstrosities pour from the void – an Eldritch Swarm created to slaughter worlds and slay titans...

The Eldritch Swarm is an all new alien army of miniatures designed to fit into both sci-fi and fantasy settings. The Eldritch Swarm is fully compatible with OnePageRules miniatures games, and includes datasheets and rules for how to deploy the swarm in both Grimdark Future and Age of Fantasy.

In addition, the Eldritch Swarm have been designed to serve as otherworldly antagonists for 5e, and come with playtested statblocks & detailed lore that allow you to integrate them into any existing campaign.

Included in higher tiers are a selection of thematic terrain, as well as prewritten 5e adventures that take your players on deadly extraplanar excursions.